An example of healthy and nutritious Food – you must have often heard about the phrase ' you are what you eat ' which means ' you are what you eat '. It is indeed true. The food has a huge influence for your health and your appearance. Meet with a healthy food intake, you can get a healthy body and looks that good, nor vice versa.
An example of healthy and nutritious Food
Such is the case with your heart. As part of the body that have important functions, one of which, namely pumps blood containing oxygen throughout the body and remove carbon dioxide that is not needed by the body, heart health must be observed carefully.
If not, Your heart function can be interrupted and this could be fatal that led to death, therefore, needed healthy food for the heart. According to sources from the Ministry of Health Maintenance, website in 2008, some 17.3 million people suffered from cardiovascular disease deaths, one of which was caused by a heart disorder. There are several types of healthy food for the heart that is recommended for you. Among them are the following:
1. Salmon
One of the ingredients of foods that are recommended for Your heart health is salmon. The content of omega 3 is very beneficial for your heart because it can lower the bad cholesterol that are harmful to the heart and instead boost kolestrol well in your body.
In addition, vitamin D contained in salmon also can increase the immunity of the body and helps the digestive process. Lack of vitamin D can lead to disorders of the heart even of death.
You can enjoy the delights of salmon with lemon and add baking way so it tastes fresher. Cultivate salmon with roast and there is also one in an effort to maintain heart health by reducing fat which is not good for the heart.
2. Oatmeal
You can replace your breakfast with a bowl of oatmeal. By eating oatmeal, You make an effort to reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body.
Maybe for some people not familiar and not-so-like the flavor of oatmeal but remember it will be beneficial for the health of your heart. You can add fruits like strawberries to make oatmeal taste more evocative.
3. Coffee
It seems this is exciting news for those of you who love coffee. Though some sources say that coffee is a drink that impact less good for the body, but a research from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston United States say that consuming coffee is one way to keep the the health of your heart.
According to the research, with a cup of coffee, can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes that is very closely related to heart disease. If the risk of diabetes comes down, so with the risk of disorders of the heart and vice versa.
But to remember is don't consume too much coffee. Because rather than nourish the heart, and thus would be bad for the health of your body.
If consumed in excess, caffeine contained in coffee will make your heart flutter. Drinking coffee is also not recommended for pregnant women because it can result in the risk of miscarriage.
We recommend that you consume coffee with no exaggeration. In addition, it is advisable not to use too much sugar, will be even better if you drink bitter coffee in order to avoid the risk of diabetes
4. Green tea
Next was the turn of nutritious and delicious drinks. Besides being known for its benefits is good for diet, green tea is also very beneficial to the health of your heart. By consuming green tea on a regular basis then it can lower the bad cholesterol and triglycerides that play a role in the disorder of the heart.
Drinking green tea can be done anytime, while relaxing or even before going to bed. By drinking green tea before bed, then it can help burn fat even while you're asleep.
5. vegetable
Surely you've not doubt any more benefits from vegetables. In addition it contains antioxidants, green vegetables are also rich in fiber and vitamins that are beneficial to the health of the body. Such examples are broccoli and cabbage vegetables.
Low cholesterol, broccoli has a high content of fibre and contains antioxidants is absolutely perfect for keeping Your heart health.
Besides vegetables cabbage, which although not green but also have fiber, and high in antioxidants which help reduce the risk of heart attacks.
6. Apple
Certainly many of you who love apples because it tastes fresh and delicious. However, not only that, behind the taste is delicious, the Apple has benefits for maintaining the health of your heart. If you eat an Apple, then eat together with the Peel.
Because the Apple skin there is content of antioxidants and polyphenols that can ward off free radicals. Apples are also rich in fibre which is able to reduce cholesterol in your body. With the decline in cholesterol that delivers a positive impact for the health of your heart.
7. Orange
In addition to apples, citrus fruit also contains many nutrients that are good for the body. Citrus contained in citrus fruits could help increase blood flow to the heart. It is certainly good for the health of your heart.
Orange also contains flavaonoid which has the function of reducing hypertension also reduces the risk of inflammation of the arteries. The Orange became one of the favorite fruit of many people because it tastes refreshing and is a combination of acid and sweet.
8. Olive oil
There are several types of olive oil, one of which is extra virgin containing unsaturated fats are good for Your heart health. Frying with olive oil reduce the risk of bad cholesterol that are harmful to heart health and your body. That way, olive oil is the oil that is recommended for use for the purposes of your cooking.
In addition to eating healthy foods for the heart, don't forget about sports. Sport is an activity that is essential to maintain the health and fitness of the body. It is recommended to do cardio exercises to keep Your heart health.
Thus information about healthy and nutritious Food Sample, may be useful for you and can still keep our health during work.