Friday 27 July 2018

New Mothers - How to Lose Weight

New Mothers - How to Lose Weight

Giving birth is one of the most wonderful and significant events in a woman's life, with one downside - the need to lose weight after the baby is born. Every woman would like to return to the physical condition she was in before becoming pregnant. Most women can, but the weight and fat loss will take time. The biggest problem new mothers face is not that they can't lose weight, but that they don't know how to go about it.

New Mothers - How to Lose Weight

The nine months of pregnancy was a great time when you could eat as much (healthy) food as you wanted, forget about your figure and not even think about fat loss. Once the baby is born and breast feeding is either over or settled into a regular pattern, you can think about how to lose weight. Childbirth is a big strain on the system, bit it is a natural one you recover from fast, so that should not worry you. The only special concern you need to have, if still breast feeding, is that your fat loss does not affect your ability to feed the baby.

A healthy weight loss program will take about the same time to lose weight as it did to put it on. So, plan for nine months to get back into your original shape, provided that your weight gain was within the normal average of 10 to 20 pounds. It can be done faster with a guided weight loss program specially designed for new mothers, but most women do not have the time or opportunity to leave the baby alone for a few hours each day to attend the classes. Patience and a regular common sense fat loss plan will work fine.

First of all remember that during the first few months after birth your body in undergoing continuous change 'either new things are happening or it is slowly reverting to conditions of pre pregnancy. Your daily routine will take some weeks or even months to calm down. Do not obsess with fat loss immediately after the baby is born. Eating nutritious food, getting enough rest, taking care of your baby and getting the home in order are not just priorities, but things your body and mind need to do. Once all this is settled, you can think of ways to lose weight. And do it with a determination that ensures results. Here are a few basics to keep in mind.

- Don't waste time on spot reduction. Look at an overall weight loss program and once it is showing results, you can focus more attention on things like belly flab.

- Have a regular exercise routine you can slowly build up and commit to daily. There are innumerable option in books, magazines, videos and the internet. Find one you are comfortable with and that looks like fun even if it is slow. Getting into a bad mood following a fat loss exercise plan that you dislike but feel you must do will not help you or your baby.

- You should never skip meals or go on a crash or starvation diet. Missing meals will slow down your metabolism leaving you weak and lethargic and less able to care for your baby. Also, a slow metabolism burns less fat so your do not really derive any significant fat loss benefits from it.

- Eat smaller meals but eat more frequently. This will allow you to digest the food better, and boost the metabolic rate, giving you more energy and also burning off more fat. As long as the total food consumption remains the same, breaking up to intake into many small meals will not add to your weight.

- It's always a good idea for a young mother to get expert nutrition advice before embarking on any diet to lose weight.

How I Became Pregnant With Holistic Health Treatments

How I Became Pregnant With Holistic Health Treatments

Barefoot to Baby- How Reflexology Helped a Childless Couple Become Parents

When I first heard the tick-tock of my biological clock turn into a clang, I had been married to Dennis exactly one day. One day was all it took for me to decide it was time to get pregnant. My sweet, handsome husband is the man that I dreamed of marrying for years before actually meeting him. I couldn't wait to have our child to cherish together! We began trying to become pregnant. Wait, let me be honest here... I began trying to become pregnant. I armed myself with ovulation kits, charts and a digital thermometer.

How I Became Pregnant With Holistic Health Treatments

At the beginning of each menstrual cycle, I would calculate the dates of my fertile window. Then I would devise creative ways to seduce Dennis on those days. Gradually, Dennis realized my lusty and insatiable need for him occurred only on days 12 through 16 of each month. If he wasn't in the mood, I became a little militant. I needed seed for my egg, NOW! He began to wear a look a fear when he saw me appear in his office wearing nothing but a determined look. Month after month, I was not pregnant. To make matters worse, it felt like everywhere I went I saw happy women with their pregnant bellies. How my heart ached!

We decided to go for fertility testing. Both of us tested normal except for test results that showed some abnormal sperm motility. His doctor's comment was "The motility could be a problem but I doubt it- this is unexplained infertility". Infertility! Us? We made an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist and he suggested we try intrauterine insemination with hormone drugs. When the eggs were ready to be fertilized, we would race to the clinic for the insemination. We both found this to be extremely stressful. I had read somewhere that caffeine stimulates sperm so I would ask Dennis to drink extra coffee in hopes that his little tadpoles would swim harder and faster to my waiting egg. He felt pressured and I was very emotional from the hormones.

Is this the way trying to conceive our baby should feel? Our last cycle of IUI, the doctor came in with the prepared sample, shook his head and said "if this doesn't work, I think you guys would be better off with invitro fertilization." Looking back, I never had the strong feeling these treatments were going to be successful, even while undergoing them. And they weren't. I still felt somehow we would be parents one day. My intuition was whispering guidance to me and I ignored it, determined to do the treatments anyway. We put ourselves through this process four times in six months before quitting the intrauterine insemination. My body and mind needed a chance to recuperate if we were going to try invitro fertilization.

The words "invitro fertilization" triggered a sense of foreboding in me. I knew there must be alternatives. I was doing acupuncture with an amazing healer and friend and I was still using kits so I knew our best time for conception each month. What else was out there to help us? I actively researched this online and through health practitioners and couldn't find anything on conception treatments that we had not done. But one thought kept coming to my mind: I wondered if the anti-inflammatory medications Dennis had been taking for several years for his spinal stenosis played a part in the abnormal sperm motility. Referred by our talented and wise acupuncturist, he began working with a functional medicine doctor who was able to help him reduce his need for medications significantly. This change was important because the drugs taken long term were dangerous for his health.

Still no baby... every month when I got my period, I cried. In the meantime, I asked that God remove this desire for children from me if I was not meant for motherhood as it was too painful. Even while I asked this, I knew in my heart that God put the desire for children in my heart for a reason. I prayed for patience and guidance.

Several months went by with no baby and we agreed to give invitro fertilization a try. Nothing and no one prepared me for the horrible effect of the drug Lupron on my body and mind. Lupron is a drug used for prostate cancer and is also used in invitro fertilization to shut down the female reproductive system before overstimulating it with fertility drugs. One night I stepped out of the shower about two thirds of the way through the cycle and felt like I could not breathe. I stood dripping water and literally felt like I was dying. I knew there was no way a healthy baby was going to come to me feeling like this. I talked to Dennis and stopped the medications the next day. I felt like I had just dodged a very big bullet. Again, I continued to pray for patience and guidance.

Throughout my life, I have had moments of intuitive inspiration. I know that they are a communion with God and I think of them as God's guiding grace for my life. I began to spend more time with morning prayer and returned to habits of self-nurturing and meditation. That was when I felt led to explore holistic healing on a deeper level and decided to become a certified reflexologist. Reflexology is a healing art in which the feet are maps of reflex points that correspond to the entire body system. Healing occurs when these points are worked to correct balance in the body. I went to the best reflexology class I could find taught by a dynamic healer. My teacher had a kind graceful demeanor and I was impressed with her grounded healing methods. She had a crowded class and taught effectively and efficiently. She shared with us the importance of a reflexologist's intention when working with clients. This was a new concept to me and a profound one. I became certified as a reflexologist and began using this amazing healing art to help people.

Six months later Dennis and I decided to pursue domestic adoption. We started the process of completing our home study and then joined an online adoption site. Shortly after posting our profile we were contacted by a young birthmother who had just given birth to an adorable baby girl. The birthmother had seen our adoption profile online and was interested in us as adoptive parents! I still remember the joy and excitement we felt of finally having found our child. Dennis was as excited as I was! We fell in love with the mother and her baby and made plans to meet her. Then, just as we were getting ready to fly out to see her, we lost contact. No phone calls, no email... nothing. For three weeks we tried to reach her. We were crushed. About a month went by when I checked my email and saw a message from her in my box! Oh Joy! I read the email and stood up, stunned. The message was from the young birthmother's mother. The mother was writing to let us know that her daughter had suffered a massive stroke due to a congenital heart defect and had been in a coma for weeks and was not expected to live. Her mother let us know that if her daughter died she would be adopting the baby, her grandaughter. She stopped all contact with us. After a month of trying to reach her, we knew that our sweet birthmother had passed on.

We gingerly picked up the pieces of our grieving hearts. Other birthmothers contacted us as adoptive parents but nothing clicked and we were still grieving. Adoption is a beautiful way to start a family and I always encourage people to pursue it wholeheartedly. I have no doubt that it does work well. It just wasn't the right time or situation for us.

Life moved along.Then I began having these intuitive thoughts to contact my reflexology teacher. At first, I ignored the impulse as Dennis and I had enough of the effort of trying to conceive our child. But the thought turned into a gentle urging so I called her and asked her if she treated people for infertility. Her response was "Yes, I have had great results with conception, the key is treating the man and woman together". Really? Energetically, this made perfect sense to me and over the past year, I had seen amazing results with my own reflexology clients so I knew firsthand how powerful these treatments were. We had to wait until the first past of January for our appointment. The first treatment was in a warm low-lit room with candles burning.

It was such a change from the fluorescent lighting and stark white reality of the hospital treatment rooms. We each took our turn melting into a warm bed while she worked on our feet. I felt comforted and hopeful as a deep relaxation overcame me. As she worked on Dennis, she allowed me to observe and take notes. She actually incorporated reflexology with Chinese medical massage and moxibustion, paying special attention to Dennis' kidney acupressure points 1, 2 and 3 and she worked all his reproductive reflexology points. One me, she worked the reproductive reflexology points and made sure my fallopian tubes were clear by dragging her knuckles from the ovary points over and across my ankle to the uterine point. During the week I would repeat these treatments on Dennis. We had two sessions in January 2010 and one session in February before celebrating our 5th year anniversary.

After five hard years of trying to become parents, my husband and I were more than ready to go someplace fabulous to celebrate our anniversary. Why not Italy? We had our third reflexology treatment on Sunday February 21 and then hopped on a plane to Rome on Friday February 26, 2010, our 5 year anniversary. I loved Italy! Eating in Rome was an incredible experience until I got greedy with cream pastries and got food poisoning. A week later (and ten pounds lighter), I returned home. Two weeks passed and my period never arrived. Maybe it was the food poisoning that threw my cycle off. Or maybe....Nope, I was not even going to think about it.

A few days later, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I watched in disbelief as two pink lines appeared in the window! Pregnant at last! Excitement and gratitude swelled up inside me. I sprinted down the hall to tell my husband Dennis with the pregnancy test hidden behind my back. He was on the phone so I slapped the stick with two bright pink lines on his desk in front of him and waited for his reaction. A split second of confusion, then huge joy spread across his face. He jumped up and hugged me with tears of happiness while I stood there smiling and wondering who we were going to call first!

It's now one year from that day. I am writing this with my daughter on my lap and my heart is full of loving gratitude. We journeyed through 5 years of unsuccessful fertility treatments and a heartwrenching adoption attempt while trying to bring our child to us. We had become healthier during this process, but I felt that intuitive urging to use the art of reflexology to help us conceive.There is amazing power in holistic health to change, overcome and thrive.

Then, three reflexology sessions put us into a state of balance that allowed us to conceive. This was divine wisdom. This was following my intuition. I feel truly blessed to be able to share our story in faith that it will help others who are struggling. I know there is amazing power in holistic healing. I know intuition is God's guiding grace for my life, for everyone's life.

When I learned to trust that intuition, it changed everything. Everything!

by: Carolan Deacon

Diet in Nutrition, Health and Fitness P2

Diet in Nutrition, Health and Fitness P2 - After conception a regular supply of nutrients is required as the majority of the foetus's organs develop during the first 8 weeks. In the later stages of pregnancy, the foetus grows rapidly and regular protein is required. During the last 3 months of pregnancy food intake must by increased by way of a balanced diet *. There should be an increase in fruit and vegetables for vitamins A, C, D and B2 (riboflavin) and B9 (Folate **). There should be an increase in dairy products for protein, calcium and riboflavin. Pregnant women should consume an additional 200 kcal a day.

Diet in Nutrition, Health and Fitness P2

** Folate has been shown to reduce the incidence of Spina Bifida in babies and megaloblastic anaemia in pregnant women.

* The UK national food guide recommends the following as a balanced diet:

o Fruit and vegetables 33% (provides some carbohydrate, non-starch polysaccharides (nsp), vitamins, minerals, water, some lipids)

o Carbohydrates 33% (provides the majority of carbohydrates by way of bread, rice, cereals)

o Milk and Dairy 15% (provides vitamins, minerals, protein, lipids, water)

o Meat, fish and alternatives 12% (provides the majority of protein, also vitamins, minerals, lipids, water)

o Fat and sugar rich foods 7% (provides lipids, carbohydrates as sugars, vitamins and minerals, some water)

We should provide energy for our body from the following:

50% from carbohydrates, 35% from proteins, 15% from lipids.

Vitamins help with our sight, in the uptake of essential minerals, also assisting in blood clotting, increasing bone density, coating of nerve fibres and cell division.

However, excess or lack of certain vitamins can have adverse health problems; for example, excess vitamin A can give rise to birth defects.

Lack of other vitamins in the diet can lead to beri beri, rickets, osteoporosis, scurvy, pellagra, mouth and eye problems.

Most vitamins are required on a regular basis, some can be stored.

Some minerals are structural compounds of tissues, for example calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium for teeth and bones. Some are required for homeostasis, communication between cells, signals between the brain and nerves, muscle contraction. They are also components of enzymes and hormones.

A regular balanced nutrient supply to the foetus sets the scene for a normal birth weight and also for normal health in future years.

The Southampton group found that if a foetus is denied a regular supply of nutrients, the placenta grows bigger to try to absorb as much nutrients as it can for the developing child. The larger the placenta the lower the birth weight and the higher the systolic blood pressure in future years. Studies with animals have shown that malnutrition during pregnancy causes the young to be born with disproportionately large heads.

During the first year of life there is very rapid growth and therefore high nutritional needs for the child. Babies grow faster in their earlier months and slower in the months prior to their first year. Their weight doubles from birth to 4 - 6 months and trebles by the first year. Growth is slower from the first year onwards. Energy requirements are measured in calories or kcal.

The following is a chart of those needs for different stages of growth:

Babies 0 - 12 months 545 - 920 kcal

Children 1 - 14 years 1230 - 2220 kcal

Adolescents 15 - 18 years 2755 kcal

Adults 19 - 59 years 2550 kcal

Older adults 60 - > 75 2380 - 2100 kcal

(Male figures shown)

The reference nutrient intake for protein for varying ages is:

0 - 12 months, 12.5 - 14.9 g/day

4 - 14 years, 19.7 - 55.2 g/day

15 - 18 years, 55.2 g/day

19 - 50 years, 55.5 g/day

50 + years, 53.3 g/day

(Male figures shown)

During lactation, the mother must increase her energy intake by 450 - 570 kcal a day (during the first 3 months). Between 3 and 6 months, the lactating mother must increase her intake by an additional 480 kcal a day. Weaning the child onto solid food is recommended at 4 months.

Babies require 545 - 920 kcal a day from a balanced diet. The growth range is slow before adolescence; requirements are 1230 - 2220 kcal a day. A marked increase is noted for adolescents, who require 2755 kcal a day. This increase is due in part, especially with males, to muscle development and sexual maturity. Adults and older adults require less energy than adolescents as they have no need of muscle development, but require energy rather for homeostasis, metabolism, cell replacement and repair.

A nutrient dense diet is essential for the elderly as their appetite decreases with age due to many reasons, including reduction in sensory reception, lack of sufficient saliva produced, less mobility, increased use of drugs for various ailments, which can suppress the diet. Thirst mechanisms are less sensitive in the elderly, therefore regular hydration, as well as nutrient intake, is essential.

At any time, from birth to older adults, if consumption of energy exceeds the daily estimated average requirement (EAR), then obesity could ensue. If the energy intake is less than the EAR then conditions such as anorexia could result.

Malnutrition could also involve lack of specific nutrients in a diet, which could have adverse health effects, for example:

Lack of carbohydrates, especially nsp's, could result in constipation.

Protein deficiency causes Marasmus and Kwashiorkor.

Certain vitamin deficiency can result in Beri-beri, eye disorders, Pellagra and Scurvy.

Certain mineral deficiency could result in anaemia and goitre.

Lack of water could result in dehydration, causing confusion, organ failure and eventually death. Dehydration is the killer when suffering from food poisoning or a Foodborne disease such as cholera or typhoid.

In order for healthy growth and development, a balanced diet, of sufficient nutritional content is required. This is important pre-conception, during pregnancy, birth and the growing years.

"You are what you eat" is a very well known mid twentieth century saying. Eating a well-balanced diet will determine your wellbeing.

There are, however, other factors that influence normal growth and development, such as social, technological, economical, environmental, political, legal and ethical considerations.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

25 Things I Learned As a Young Mother to Do With My Kids

25 Things I Learned As a Young Mother to Do With My Kids

Being a young mother can be extremely daunting and sometimes it's hard to know how to be a loving mother yet at the same time discipline your child. Sometimes it's through trial and error that we learn to raise our children. There is no perfect way.

25 Things I Learned As a Young Mother to Do With My Kids

I became pregnant when I was eighteen. I wanted to have a home-birth. I lived in alternative hippy area of Australia called Byron Bay which was a beautiful place to be pregnant. I just loved reading about midwifery and health and the processes of the stage of development of my little child within. Being pregnant I felt powerful and full of light carrying the earth mother goddess energy.

Nine months of pregnancy to the day, I looked in the mirror while brushing my teeth and noticed my face looked ripe as a cherry. Thirty hours later I gave birth to a beautiful girl.
I was in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. She was the centre of my life. I had three more children within the 11 years that followed.

I felt that the early mothering years were easy. I loved being a homemaker and being a giver of sustenance. I never felt to impose my ways on my child as I wanted them to find their own. I was totally against indoctrination on any level. Looking back perhaps if I knew myself better I would have more guiding but I too was a child and was learning about life as well.

I have always wished a manual would instantly appear out of nowhere that would make me know if I am doing or saying the right thing. Mothering is not easy!
The things I do know have not been handed down to me. I have learned what I have through trial and error.

Looking back I know a lot more now than I did back then. I wish someone had given me these pointers being a young Mum:

1. Make sure your child eats healthy fresh foods (food intake affects the child's moods)

2. Make sure your child does sport or exercise regularly (a child that spends time in nature doing sport or exercise is a happier child)

3. Teach your children the beauty of natural surroundings (the moon, sunsets, leaves on trees, flowers)

4. Teach your children respect for elders (at home it is the elders that are boss not the kids)

5. Communicate everyday with your children in conversation about their day and how they feel about things and how you feel too

6. Eat at the table everyday with your kids (they will learn to eat well and have appreciation of togetherness)

7. Play sweet music often in the house

8. Inspire your children to read by reading to them often have your child learn an instrument (children can process emotions through playing music)

9. Teach your children manners (i.e saying hello when they see a new adult friend of the family visit). They go a long way in life.

10. Say good morning to your children when they rise and good bye as you leave

11. Only let your children watch TV on special occasions. Try to have them watch educational channels rather than junk and drama.

12. Put your children to bed with the usual background noise in the house still going on (they must learn to sleep as life goes on around them)

13. Teach your children the joy of giving (every birthday or Christmas help them to get excited to give to others more than wanting presents)

14. Teach your children to close their eyes and be still 5 minutes of every day (they will learn to know themselves)

15. Don't give in too easily to a child's demands (children love to feel their boundaries as when they do they feel safe)

16. Teach your children to share the toy they love the most sometimes

17. Teach your child to make his own bed and clean his own room from an early age (it is a lesson in self respect)

18. Play with your child and act like giggling monkeys often

19. Listen intently to your child and answer all their questions (when possible)

20. Be affectionate with your children (lots of hugs everyday!)

21. Don't take anything personally from your teenage children (it's just a stage and it will hopefully soon pass)

22. Remember to breathe

23. Praise your children often

24. Teach your children simple prayers from a young age (it will make them feel the presence of a higher existence outside of themselves)

25. Let your children know you are happy (if you are). Children can sense unhappiness and can worry for their parents. They will be relieved if you let them know you are ok.

This is just a tiny drop in the ocean on the enormous task of mothering. There is so much more. Maybe if every mother in the world could contribute to the list, there would eventually be a manual written, but all in all children need to feel love and that is the only constant in the ups and downs of mothering.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Busy Mum's Guide to Losing Weight

Busy Mum's Guide to Losing Weight - Hormonal changes during pregnancy, and quite normal fat gain often makes many women feel unattractive and sometimes quite depressed. Many women still believe that "eating for two" is the way to go during pregnancy. I am sorry if I disappoint some of you, but this really is not the case. If a woman eats to satisfy her appetite, her weight will usually increase by about 3.5kg (8lb) in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and then by about 0.5kg (1lb) a week until the end of the pregnancy.

Busy Mum's Guide to Losing Weight

The total weight gain during pregnancy will be about 12.5kg (27lb). Gaining too much weight during pregnancy can raise blood pressure and increases the risk of becoming obese (very overweight) in the future. Although women should not restrict their food intake or go on slimming diets when pregnant, there is no need to increase food intakes significantly until late pregnancy. Incidentally, those who do gain weight over and above what is normal are the ones who struggle most with post-pregnancy weight loss, and fatigue.


The estimated averaged requirement for energy (EAR) increases during the last three months of pregnancy by an average of 800kJ (200kcal) per day... equivalent to 2 oatcakes with ricotta cheese and fruit spread and 2 dried figs - a snack like this would provide extra iron and calcium too - 2 vital nutrients to increase during these latter stages!
At this time a woman's energy expenditure from physical activity is usually reduced.

So what can you do to lose any unwanted pounds gained during pregnancy?

For new mums!

The most natural, safest and easiest way to lose weight after giving birth is to breastfeed! Breastfeeding can burn up to 500 calories a day (the equivalent of a good workout) so helps drop excess pounds and enables many women to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight without too much effort.

Breastfeeding not only gives your baby the best possible start in life, but it also gives you added incentive to eat healthily and sensibly. Breast milk is not only the perfect food for your baby; it is also your baby's main protection against disease and infection. Baby's first milk or "colostrum" provides vital IgA antibodies (the first-line defence antibodies) received in the first 24-48 hours of life! These are not found in formula milks.

Naturally the health of the mother is paramount in passing on healthy immunity to the child. Many protective antibodies are "anti-allergenic" protecting the baby against developing food allergies, asthma, eczema and other allergic conditions. Breast milk has the perfect fat and protein profile for the baby, and nutrients such as iron and manganese are much more absorbable in breast milk than they are in formula milks. Furthermore, only breast milk contains chromium (essential for controlling blood sugar levels), selenium (an important antioxidant), and normal levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs), which are vital for the baby's brain development. Lastly, breast-feeding helps to establish a protective bacterial population in the infant's digestive tract - yes, those "friendly bacteria" we hear so much about!

During the early weeks of motherhood... breastfeeding, regular daily walks, and "intelligent" eating is the way to go.


Fat cells contain toxins and nasty "residues" of foods eaten in previous years! Losing weight too quickly releases these stored toxins into the bloodstream. Often the liver cannot clear them quickly enough, and for breast-feeding Mums, these can easily be transported into breast milk. Remember you'll gradually lose weight quite naturally if you can breast feed. Dieting only reduces the nutrient quality of your breast milk, reduces the level of sugar in the blood and the level of certain brain chemicals. This leads to binge eating and mood changes - so DO NOT diet, especially while breastfeeding!

You must look after yourself...

In order to give your baby the best start in life, the first consideration has to be the food you eat. It is important to have an adequate intake of nutrients, particularly the B vitamins, zinc and EFAs. Foods such as oily fish, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, avocados, almonds etc. contain all these types of nutrients making them excellent snack foods or additions to salads, soups and stir-fries. The quest to cut down on calories by avoiding all fatty foods generally results in a deficiency of EFAs, which are vital to the body's metabolism.

Suggested meals and eating times for pregnant or breast-feeding Mums:

7-8am - Breakfast (Oat porridge with soya milk, chopped banana + pumpkin seeds or ground linseeds)

10-11am - Snack (a pear and 6-8 almonds)

1-2pm - Light Lunch (Small baked sweet potato with tuna, tomato, avocado and salad)

4-5pm - Snack (fresh fruit, rice cakes and fruit spread)

7-8pm - Evening meal (poached fish or grilled chicken, salad, steamed veg & brown rice)

Other snacks (nut and seed mix, fresh fruit, raw crudités and ricotta dip)

N.B. Try almond or rice milk occasionally on homemade cereal. Use Tahini (sesame seed spread) or almond butter on breads & crackers, pure fruit spreads instead of jams, and use cold flax seed oil (rich in omega-3 fats) daily. Other beneficial oils include olive oil for cooking, and using cold walnut oil and pumpkin seed oil on salads, rice and vegetables.

In terms of portion sizes, work more to your natural appetite, and begin to better recognise TRUE hunger signals. If you think of hunger on a scale of 1-10, only eat when feeling about 2/3, and STOP when you feel satisfied, around 7-8. This "appetite scale" is a key tool and one I often use when helping people with weight problems and "emotional" eating - i.e. eating to fill an emotional void, rather than purely for fuelling reasons!

Dietary advise for all Mums

Watch your sugars!

Sugar is a major culprit in weight gain and obesity. Being hooked on sugar and sugary foods is easily passed on to children and a recipe for developing blood sugar and energy imbalances, behavioural and weight problems. Biscuits, cakes, chocolate bars, processed foods and low-fat foods contain the most "hidden" sugars. Read food labels carefully, and try and get you and your children used to more natural foods and natural sugars. Natural sweetness is present in many fresh foods. Try doing taste tests with the children, identifying different flavours and degrees of "sweetness" in fruit and vegetables, dried figs, apricots and raisins.

Use honey used in cooking or drizzled on plain yogurt! Eat up to 4 pieces of fruit a day and encourage your children to do the same. Fruit such as bananas, apples, pears and berries in the summer are great snack foods to have between meals. Get out of the habit of giving sweets or sweet food as treats. This only becomes a learned habit and one, which you were probably taught as a child! Sweet things soon become something we turn to when feeling low or depressed, or something we often reward ourselves with. Try also not to use high fat and sugary snacks to fight boredom. Engage the children in a game, or take a trip to the park.

Healthy snack foods

It is OK to snack, providing a) that you are hungry and b) the foods that you snack on are nutritious. There are some good examples below! Protein foods eaten as snacks tend to fire up the metabolism more effectively than carbohydrate dense foods such as bread, biscuits, scones, flapjacks and cake. These are not the best foods for maintaining energy levels or burning fat due to the disruptive effect they have on blood sugar levels, and the ease at which excess is eventually stored in fat cells as FAT! Slow-releasing carbohydrates (fresh vegetables and wholegrains, and low-sugar fruits) and protein foods better balance blood sugar, promote energy and help to burn fat.

Here are some perfect examples of small snacks and meals to give you energy and kick-start the metabolism:

An apple or pear and a palmful of almonds

Other fresh fruit with a handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds

2 oatcakes with mashed avocado, or Tahini spread

A tuna or poached salmon salad

Aduki bean and chickpea salad with lettuce and tomatoes

Vegetable crudités and hummus

A bowl of chunky homemade vegetable soup

Stir-fry tofu or chicken and vegetables

Feeding children healthy snack foods is critical to develop good eating habits. It also means that if you are tempted to finish off leftovers, at least they will be healthy leftovers!

Great snack foods for the children (and Mum!):

Mini rice cakes thinly spread with almond butter or pure fruit spread.
A few strawberries, pieces of pear or some grapes.

Carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes.

Popcorn - instead of crisps - use olive oil over high heat. Sprinkle some whole corn kernels into a pan. Cover and wait for the popping to finish. Empty pan immediately to avoid burning.

Yogurt lollies - Mix fruit juice concentrate with natural yogurt to desired taste and freeze in lolly moulds.

With children, it is better to give a couple of alternatives for snacks or foods at meal times, rather than saying "What would you like? Offer them an apple or a banana when they come in from school or nursery. Children need your authority (not your lack of willpower!). Lay the lunch or dinner table with 2 or 3 choices of things they can eat, and use lots of colours and shapes.

Children's health and vitality largely comes from the food they eat. By teaching your children to eat healthy, nutritious foods, you will also be teaching or re-training yourself to understand how diet can make all the difference when it comes to looking and feeling your best!

Dietary advice for Mums

Eat regularly, 4-5 times a day.

Eat 4-5 pieces of fruit a day.

Keep sugars and refined carbohydrates to an absolute minimum.

Avoid carbohydrate-dense foods such as bread, scones, biscuits etc. during the day.

Snack on fresh fruit, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, ½ an avocado etc. All these foods keep blood sugar levels stable, reduce sweet cravings, and nuts and seeds contain EFA's. Remember, EFA's are essential for normal metabolic functioning and remove stored fat from fat cells.

Try and eat fish as a main meal at least 3 times a week.

Drink at least 2 litres (3 ½ pints) of filtered tap water a day.

Don't eat late, especially not a high fat, high calorie meal.

Eat a large bowl of fresh salad everyday.

Cut right back on tea and coffee and avoid all together if breast-feeding.

Suggested meals and eating times if you want to lose weight:

7-8am - Breakfast (Chopped apple & pear, live plain yogurt + 1 dessert spoon of seeds)

10-11am - Snack (2 oatcakes with Tahini spread)

1-2pm - Light Lunch (large salad with tuna, tomato and avocado)
4-5pm - Snack (1-2 pieces of fruit)

7-8pm - Evening meal (steamed or grilled fish, tofu or chicken, salad, steamed veg & 1 tbsp. wholegrain or basmati rice)

Other snacks (peaches, raw carrot, olives, celery and tomato)

N.B. Try soya or goat's milk on cereal. Use dairy-free spreads such as Vitaquell margarine or Tahini (sesame seed spread) on bread & crackers, pure fruit spreads instead of jams, and try flax seed oil (rich in omega-3 fats), sesame oil, or walnut oil on salads, rice and vegetables.

Some exercise advice when you've found your "me time"!!!
Exercise (coupled with a healthy eating regime) makes all the difference when trying to regain pre-pregnancy, or simply an ideal weight and shape. Exercising regularly can be difficult with babies and young children... BUT, it is not impossible!

Keeping fit and toned creates a happier person, a happier Mum, and happier children. Surely that's incentive enough! Staying active with energetic children is easy, and at the same time it's helping keep the metabolic rate active. However, to really burn excess fat, it's necessary to literally "train" the body to do this. Regular cardiovascular exercise that significantly raises the heart rate has to be a major consideration when wanting to lose weight. The sooner you can start a regular programme of aerobic activity the better.

Brisk or power walking, jogging, steady cycling, mountain biking, aerobics classes, step classes or swimming are great examples of cardiovascular activities that are particularly effective at teaching the body to better burn body fat. Try these exercises for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week if possible. It is important to take time out for yourself, so don't feel guilty about doing this. Husbands, partners, parents, friends etc. can watch the kids while you go for a 30 minute brisk walk, a gym workout, a swim, or continue with your favourite exercise class. 
Alternatively, crèches nowadays are very accessible and a 'haven' for many busy Mums. They can be very useful, and a great opportunity for your child to begin interacting with other young children.

Sitting at home is a recipe for eating too much so try and spend as much time being active with your children. Weather permitting, spend time in the garden or park, go walking, and involve yourself and your child in activities such as throwing and catching a ball, swimming or tennis.

Pelvic floor exercises - essential after giving birth!
Try and perform some "pelvic floor" strengthening exercises. These can be done literally anywhere and at any time of the day. The pelvic floor muscles become weakened after pregnancy so need to be worked in order to avoid embarrassing "leaking"!

The easiest way to do this is to imagine you're desperately trying to stop the flow of urine. Squeeze the muscles upwards, HOLD for 30 seconds, and then release. Complete this exercise up to 20 times, twice a day if you feel these muscles have become weak.

It is also important to re-strengthen weak abdominal muscles. Abdominal curls are one of the best exercises to tone and flatten the abdomen, so try and do a couple of sets after your 30 minute aerobic sessions. With any exercise, perform the movements slowly and in a controlled way, working to the point of "muscular fatigue" (i.e. the last few are hurting!).

Tips to remember

* Be active as much as possible

* Take time out for yourself

* Try and routinely do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times a week

* Cut out sugar and sugary foods

* Get used to naturally sweetened foods such as figs and grapes, and raw vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes

* Replace desserts with fresh fruit or have a salad starter instead

* Avoid carbohydrate dense foods throughout the day

* Drink part fruit juice and part water to increase fluid intake

* If you're a new Mum, remember breast is best for natural weight loss!

Friday 20 July 2018

Ten Steps to a Happy Childhood and Able Adulthood

Ten Steps to a Happy Childhood and Able Adulthood - This list of important steps starts at the beginning, but you can jump in at whatever stage you find yourself, whether planning a child, guiding a toddler, or negotiating with a teen.

Ten Steps to a Happy Childhood and Able Adulthood

1) Be healthy. Before you conceive a child, eat nutritious food, mostly organic, lots of vegetables. And drink your water. Use unprocessed salt. Keep in mind that a majority of people seem to be allergic to wheat and processed/pasteurized dairy. Do your homework and decide who to trust. (Hint: Probably not those who stand to profit from your addiction to sugar, caffeine, and fast foods.) Maternal health leads to a child's good health. Healthy children are happier and easier to have around.

2) Want your child. Of course if you are planning to conceive a child, you have a good start on this one. But even those who are pregnant by surprise can decide to want the child. Look at it from the kid's point of view. How would you like to arrive in the family only to find out you were an inconvenience, a bother, or an embarrassment? Give your child the kind of welcome you would want. Revisit this step from time to time during your years with your son or daughter and renew the covenant. Inviting a child into your life is a sacred pledge, no matter by what adventure or well-laid plan.

3) Give birth among friends and practitioners you trust. There is a strong spiritual component to birth. Babies come out better if Mom is relaxed and knows she is in good hands. The baby's father may be one such friend. Grass roots midwives who have a good record of safe births are worth a look. Or use a birthing center that feels like home. Of course, if there are complications, you'll feel most comfortable in the hospital with doctors and nurses who are prepared to help with the situation.

Ten Steps to a Happy Childhood and Able Adulthood

4) After the birth, while you are holding your little one, take time to admire yourself and the hard work you have just completed. Mom, you are awesome. You, too, Dad, for all your support. The best thing a man can do to benefit his children is to make sure their mother feels loved and cared for. Dads, read this line again. And Moms, teach your children to admire their father and give him a hand at the work he does to care for the family.

5) Begin right away to tell your daughter she is precious and everything you want in a daughter. Don't wait for her to understand English. She'll understand the love in your voice. Tell your son, "You are just right. You make me very happy." You can even introduce yourselves. Say, "Hi, Buddy. We're your mom and dad and we are going to take good care of you until you are big enough to care for yourself." Whatever you say, be respectful. Children are people, just temporarily small. Repeat love messages often during the years, making sure to use a form the child appreciates.

6) Guide your child with gentle firmness. Don't try to train him like a puppy. Rather, guide and listen. Let the child help you even when she's too young to be of much help. She'll be tickled. A toddler can sweep (with a short-handled broom for the safety of others!). Children love to carry things, to deliver bowls to the kitchen and clothes to the bedroom. Be neither permissive nor authoritarian, as these are extreme positions, poles that give the child the message that he is not loved, one through a neglect that would let the child get lost, she thinks, and the other through hurtful words, threats, or physical hurt. It is possible to be both loving and firm. Don't get spooked. You are bigger. Insist when you must, but do it with love.

7) Whatever guidance you give a toddler, begin at once to loosen your grip just a bit each day. Let the child stretch a little further, and step in only when frustration is great or harm is likely. Teenagers do not suddenly become responsible. They need to practice during childhood.

8) Talk with your child and teen. If your daughter doesn't want to talk, tell her that communication is the basis for all social contact. Tell her you will listen to her concerns without judgment and that you will listen in order to understand. About now would be the time to admit you don't know everything, that you make mistakes, and that the world was quite the mess when you got here, too! Suggest putting your heads together to solve problems. Be patient. If you are concerned about her, you can gently ask, "Are you keeping yourself safe?" Remind her of the pleasure you take in her, how much she matters to you.

9) The teen years are about negotiating the steps into an independent adulthood. Tell your son, "I want you to have as much freedom as you can use-as long as it doesn't wipe out my beloved son or my bank account." You can explain your own need for a portion of control where your house, your car, his mother and the other children, and your love for him is concerned.

10) Above all, keep your anger and tears to yourself. Express them in private, with grown friends, or with a counselor you trust. Children can be very disconcerted by seeing you out of control on either the bullying or the folding side of things. And, frankly, they won't have much respect for a parent who shouts or cries or gets sarcastic. They deserve to admire you.

Revisit these steps from time to time and see how they apply to each stage of childhood. And if you have already missed some of the early steps, don't worry. Just begin where you are.

This is a broad stroke list. It touches on the basics of a successful and pleasant family life. If you have a good attitude, lots of love to give, some resources, and a willingness to occasionally say you are wrong or don't know all, you'll do fine.

Monday 16 July 2018

Human Milk For Human Babies

Human Milk For Human Babies

Human milk is made for human babies: Breastfeeding is the natural continuation of pregnancy. Human babies are meant to receive their mothers' milk immediately after they are born, and for about the first six months of life, mothers' milk is all that babies need to promote normal, healthy growth and development. Breastmilk contains scores, even hundreds of factors that protect the newborn from illness and provide exactly the balance of proteins, healthy fats and sugars, and everything else the baby needs to continue the growth that began in the womb and produced the amazing little human being that he is at birth.

Human Milk For Human Babies

A healthy newborn does not need anything other than his mother's milk; in fact, anything else given to the baby will change the perfect balance in his gut (intestinal tract) and will interfere with nature's provision of a perfect system to protect him from all of the bacteria and viruses that are present around him once he leaves the safety of the womb and comes into the world. Because of this, no formula, water or anything else should be given to the baby unless there is a medical reason for it.(AAP Policy Statement on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk. (Source:;115/2/496). Supplements of water or formula given to the breastfeeding baby also "interfere with the mother to infant biology of breastfeeding," (A Woman's Guide to Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2002, p. 11), and will result in the mother having a lower milk supply and the baby receiving less benefit from her milk.

Although formula companies want us to believe that their products come close to breastmilk, and they spend millions of dollars advertising the "new" components that they discover and add to an increasing number of formulas available, the truth is that breastmilk can never be duplicated. Breastmilk is a living, changing fluid. Each mother's milk contains antibodies to exactly the germs that she and her baby are exposed to in their own environment. As the baby grows, there are also changes that take place in the make-up of the milk that make it perfectly suited to the changing needs of the newborn, infant and toddler. Dr. Jack Newman, a leading expert in the breastfeeding field, states: "The differences between cow's milk and formula are much smaller than the differences between formula and breastmilk." (Newman, Jack, MD. The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, Prima Publishing Roseville, CA: 2000, p. 13.)  He goes on to say: "All pregnant women and their families need to know the risks of formula feeding. It does matter. All should be encouraged to breastfeed, and all should get the best support available start breastfeeding once the baby arrives." (Ibid.)

Why, if it is the natural way to feed a baby, does it seem so hard to breastfeed? Why do so many mothers try and fail? Why do so many pediatricians advise moms to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula at the first sign of trouble?

The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends breastfeeding without giving the baby any other foods for the first six months, and that breastfeeding continue with the gradual addition of other foods in the second half of baby's first year. They recommend "that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired." (American Academy of Pediatrics Work Group on Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk, Pediatrics Vol  100 No. 6, December, 1997, p.1037)

In spite of this strong position on the importance of breastfeeding, many nurses, doctors and other health care providers do not have the specific training needed to adequately help mothers and babies who are experiencing breastfeeding difficulty. Often breastfeeding failure happens because hospital procedures in the hours and days after the baby's birth prevent the normal progression of lactogenesis (the process by which the mother's milk supply is established) or a misunderstanding of the newborn's feeding patterns leads to the early use of bottles and pacifiers in the absence of a medical need for such intervention. This causes subtle changes in the way the baby sucks, and makes some babies begin to refuse the breast and to prefer the very rapid flow of milk from the bottle. Even if a baby has had some bottles and has begun to show a preference for the bottle rather than the breast, it is not too late! Most young babies can learn to breastfeed effectively, and most mothers can establish a good milk supply with the right kind of help and support.

Board Certified Lactation Consultants have special training in helping overcome some of these breastfeeding problems. The earlier a mother gets help, the easier it should be to establish breastfeeding even if a mom and baby have a rough start and encounter problems in the beginning. Other good sources of help are La Leche League, a volunteer organization with chapters in most places in the USA and Canada, as well as in many other countries. In the USA, most local WIC offices have resources to help mothers who want to breastfeed their babies.  Go to []  for a list of Certified Lactation Consultants in your area.

While it is ideal for mother and baby to be together so that baby can feed frequently during the day and night, many moms today face the reality of returning to the workplace within weeks of the baby's birth. It is entirely possible to provide your milk to your baby even if you must be separated for many hours of the day. Do not let the necessity of working outside your home rob you and your baby of this priceless gift.

Look for the information about pumping if you must be away from your baby and still want to provide him/her with your milk.

Breast-feeding is the gold standard for your baby!

"When researching the difference between human milk and formula, I discovered that there are over four hundred nutrients in breast milk that aren't in formula." said Dr. Frank Oski, former professor of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, as quoted by William and Martha Sears in "The Breastfeeding Book (Sears, William, MD and Martha Sears, RN, The Breastfeeding Book, Little, Brown and Co, Boston., 2000, p. 14.)

Thursday 12 July 2018

Healthy Energy Drinks - An Oxymoron? - Share healthy17

Healthy Energy Drinks - An Oxymoron?

What are healthy energy drinks? Do they truly exist -- or is this just more marketing hype? Did someone in the advertising department just slap the word "healthy" on the can and hope no-one inspects the ingredients? In some cases they did, but not always.

Healthy Energy Drinks - An Oxymoron?

First, let's examine some science on what is healthy or unhealthy about any beverage. That would be a good starting point, wouldn't it?

What is an energy drink, in essence -- and what would qualify one to be called "healthy"?

Energy drinks are essentially a blend consisting of one or more stimulants, a flavoring, usually some added sugar for palatability, and herbs/amino acids/vitamins to buffer any nervousness caused by the stimulant and to facilitate the creation of energy naturally.

(This is the ideal of what energy drinks can be, but in practice some manufacturers cut many corners. It is wise to remember, "Let the buyer beware!")

Tea, coffee, and some herbal forms of stimulants like guarana, coca, cacao, yerba mate, khat, ephedra, and kola nut are widely used worldwide. Tea and coffee are the most familiar and have been found to have some beneficial health properties, even though they are to some degree habit-forming.

Most parents would not be too alarmed by their children drinking an occasional coffee, cola, or cup of tea -- Agreed?

The unfamiliar ingredients, when scrutinized on a can label, are usually the source of much public mistrust of energy drinks. Sometimes this mistrust is warranted and sometimes it is not -- it depends on what the ingredient is and its purpose.

For instance, ephedra, which is rarely used in energy drinks, has caused some problems, such as irregular heartbeat, heart attack, stroke, and even death in a few instances. These are not symptoms that build a happy, growing customer base, as you can imagine!

Taurine, on the other hand acts as a modulator, that is a "governor" on the energy level. It is also an antioxidant, which helps to neutralize free radicals which are produced by the body in its day-to-day processes. It has been found safe enough and valuable enough to be used in baby formula, so there is no cause to fear taurine. It has a purpose here. (See Wikipedia for the many benefits of taurine.)

Legitimate cause for concern arises around the quantities of sugar and caffeine many of these energy drinks contain.

High levels of caffeine and other stimulants are reason for concern among many parents and health professionals, but equal attention should be paid to the huge doses of various types of sugars in energy drinks.

The average American consumes about a half-pound of sugar every day! A large portion of this comes from soft drinks, including energy drinks and coffee drinks. At nearly two ounces of sugar in one tall can of the common brands of energy drink, it doesn't take too long to get our half pound of sugar.

High sugar consumption often leads to weight gain, which leads to diabetes, Type 2. Diabetes is on the increase in America and worldwide and it is a serious, eventually fatal medical problem.

Dr. Joseph Mercola recently listed 76 different medical problems caused by our infatuation with sugar. The high sugar levels in most energy drinks disqualifies them from being healthy energy drinks.

Ironically, casual surveys I have taken in so-called health food stores reveal energy drinks in their coolers containing 18-29 grams of sugars. Sugar is sugar, whether it is organic cane sugar or not. One exception to this is the use of agave syrup sweeteners, which contain more fructose which poses a special health threat.

Another cause for concern is the way that most manufacturers choose to sweeten their drinks without using sugar. Artificial sweeteners actually still lead to weight gain, plus some of them have been found to cause structural damage to the brain and nervous system. Aspartame is the worst on this account, causing tumors in research animals and infertility in subsequent generations of offspring when the pregnant mothers were fed aspartame, comparable to what humans might receive.

Potential for long-term nervous system damage is revealed in the investigations of aspartame by Dr. Russell Blaylock and others. Sucralose is another artificial sweetener that provides multiple reasons for avoiding it.

Exaggerated caffeine content is usually less likely when these beverages are sold as "healthy energy drinks". It should be noted that brands that use guarana and green tea extracts as stimulants avoid the over-stimulating potential of caffeine.

The combination of caffeine, delicious sweet flavors, and inexperienced young consumers of these drinks are legitimate causes for worry by parents. When alcohol is added into the mixture -- or some combination of other drugs -- then it becomes impossible to predict what might occur.

But, to be fair, this is not the fault of the energy drink itself, but is evidence of a lack of education on how to use these beverages responsibly.

When one knows where the dangers lie and is able to find the rare beverages that qualify as healthy energy drinks, there is nothing to fear -- and a lot to be gained -- from these drinks.

Of course, there is the understandable tendency of parents to throw up their hands and simply forbid their kids from drinking any of these strange potions. This would be unwise because the young person is probably going to drink energy drinks, anyway, and become alienated from their parent in the process.

Likewise many older adults who are not at much risk for all-night partying, could enjoy healthy energy drinks, if they were able to recognize one.

I hope that this article may serve as a guide to de-mystifying the puzzling topic of healthy energy drinks. I have found great satisfaction in their use as a healthier alternative to coffee.

What to Expect When You're 30 Weeks Pregnant

What to Expect When You're 30 Weeks Pregnant

Now that you're 30 weeks pregnant, your belly is much bigger than it once was. It may actually be getting in your way when you want to sit down or look at the floor. The extra size may also make it more difficult for you to get up from the sofa and you may find that you have to wiggle your way to the edge before you can stand up. Along with your belly getting bigger, at this stage of your pregnancy, you may get tired more quickly and have to take a nap in the middle of the day. If you are working, you will certainly be going to bed much earlier than you once did.

What to Expect When You're 30 Weeks Pregnant

At this stage of your pregnancy, you have to be careful when standing on a stool or stepladder. In fact it is advisable not to engage in any activity that would require you to do this. This is because as your body starts to get larger, your sense of balance may be a bit off and it is easier for you to fall or twist your ankle. However, it is a good idea to take walks on a frequent basis to keep your bones strong.

By now, you have likely felt strange tightening sensations in your stomach. These are slight contractions that are just a preamble for what is to come. It is your body's way of getting ready for birth and to prepare you for it as well. The contractions are so mild that you may only notice them when you relax. Since the ligaments are also stretching you may have aching pains down the sides of your stomach. Many young mothers often contact their doctors when this happens because they think there is something wrong with the baby. However, there is nothing to worry about and your doctor will tell you that although it is a bit uncomfortable, there is nothing to worry about.

At 30 weeks the baby weighs about 3 pounds and is about 15 inches long. The features of the face are starting to develop and all the fingers and toes are in place. If you have a 3D ultrasound done around this time, you will see the baby moving about and even smiling. As you see the hands and feet moving about, you will understand where those kicks have been coming from that sometimes make parts of your stomach stick out. In ultrasound pictures at this stage, you may even see the baby sucking its thumb. It is also possible to determine for sure the sex of the baby. If you don't want to know if you're going to have a boy or a girl, the technician can make sure that you don't see that part of the pictures.

Morning sickness has passed by the time you are thirty weeks into your pregnancy. However, it has probably been replaced by an urge to eat. At this time you should be careful of what you eat because it could add weight to your body that will be very hard to get off after the baby is born. Stick to healthy foods and follow the food guide to make sure you are getting the right amounts of nutrients the growing baby needs.

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!

Getting pregnant should be easy but for some women it becomes an endurance test. While they watch their friends giving birth to their babies they are saddened by the fact they have so far been unable to conceive. They will go to the doctor to get checked out and possibly be referred to a fertility clinic for more tests.

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!
How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!

The problem may be anything from ovarian cysts to endometriosis which is a painful; disease and is responsible for 30 to 50% of infertile women. Once diagnosed the treatment will begin comprising of drugs and often-painful procedures. The problem here is there are no guarantees that this kind of program will work and the down side of it is the cost. Fertility treatments cost a bomb. The tales you hear of women who have been on IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) for up to twelve years are all true as the desire for a baby is so strong.

From a very young age many women dream of becoming a mother with her own children. When that dream is crushed by constant disappointment and failed pregnancy tests they sometimes give up thinking that it was not meant to be for them.

Many women are not aware of the choices they have today in beating infertility. Conventional fertility clinics have tended to overshadow what is right under our noses. Perfectly natural and non-evasive ways to get the babies you want. So before you convince yourself that you will never have children take a moment to read on.

Now you may be thinking if the fertility clinics were unable to help you how on earth will some simplistic methods make a difference? The answer is because the natural approach to fixing what has broken down in your reproductive system is not as hard as you think.

When you were going through conventional fertility treatments were you physically and mentally in shape or?
  1. Overweight
  2. Totally unfit and had not exercised for years or never.
  3. Eating fatty foods typical of what you get from fast food outlets. Drinking fizzy pop drinks like coke.
  4. Smoking
  5. Drinking a lot of alcohol. You do not need to consume much to affect your chances of conceiving not to mention causing damage to you and your baby.
  6. Taking medication, which had side effects and could be detrimental to getting pregnant.
  7. Stressed out.
  8. Feeling depressed and negative.

If you have been able to tick even one of these eight points it could be the reason you are not getting pregnant.

All the drugs and procedures you have had will never be effective if you are leading an unhealthy life. Now I know it all sounds like a lot of hard work and in some cases it is going to be life changing but you know how much you want to have a baby so it has to be worth it. The kind of changes you are going to have to make may be drastic but the end a beautiful baby is the prize.

You have to upload your health and give yourself a have a fighting chance.
  1. If you are carrying a bit of weight it will be good to get it off as when you get pregnant it can cause problems for the housing of the baby. By this I mean your womb, which will be little Danny or Sarahs home for 9 months.
  2. Getting fit by walking, joining a gym or pilates which is excellent for women with infertility problems will not only lose you some weight but it will get your body in great shape and make you feel better than you have in a while. This I guarantee.
  3. Eating a nutritious balanced diet of fruit vegetables whole grains fish and some meats will strengthen the immune system and even eradicate some of the unwell areas of your body. Certain supplements can be added for specific infertility problems, which I have gone into in some detail in my other articles. Make sure you drink water, as you need to stay hydrated.
  4. If you smoke QUIT NOW. You cannot pump poison into a body already struggling with infertility and think what this would do to a baby.
  5. Stop drinking as this may not only damage the babys growth but it will be harder to get pregnant.
  6. Check with your doctor about any drugs you are taking.
  7. Stress in our modern world is pushing the infertility numbers up. To help with this try deep breathing, again pilates, yoga and meditation. Surround yourself with happy people and try not to take the weight of the world on your shoulders. It is just too hard.
  8. If trying to get pregnant has made you feel depressed and down exercise and laughter is what you need along with a new plan. The good news is if you have been following these last eight points you are already on your way.

The reproductive system is the first part of the body to stop working when we do not treat it right so picture the changes that will be going on from the inside out if you have begun your new pregnancy regime.

Acupuncture, which is the putting of thin needles into energy or meridian points in your body is playing a huge and relevant part in helping reverse infertility. The success of this ancient healing system has been getting great press as conventional fertility practitioners look to add it to their western programs. The Chinese may be a little amused by this as they have been using acupuncture to help women have healthy babies for thousands of years. Along with this they use Chinese herbal medicines that target each individual infertility problem in the body. Acupuncture is moving from an alternative treatment to the front lines of modern medicine.

If you think about it this all makes a great deal of sense as we always say when a baby is born "Mrs Jones you have a beautiful healthy baby girl" The reason the baby is born in premium health is generally due to the mothers care of herself and pregnancy. It follows on if you are the vessel to carry a baby full term you need to be in top condition. The same goes for conceiving as if you are well there is no reason you cannot get pregnant and this theory has been put to the test and proven to be correct. The interesting point is that when mothers have gotten themselves into a state of premium health a baby has been conceived very quickly. It is almost as if the little guy or girl is saying mum we will come when you are physically and mentally ready for us.

I hope I have given you a lot to think about and before you give up hope please try these methods. You may be soon smiling.