Saturday 7 July 2018

Ringworm Home Remedies - How to Stop the Fungal Rash

Ringworm Home Remedies - How to Stop the Fungal Rash : Ringworm is a fungus and can appear on the feet, nails, scalp and other areas of the body. It is probably best known on the feet under the phrase athlete's foot. Ringworm can spread to different sections of your body so good hygiene is a must. Avoid scratching and touching the spots, as tempting as that may be. It starts as a small red mark similar to a pimple, but grows in little circles. It is not a parasite or a worm, though that is the common association.

Ringworm Home Remedies - How to Stop the Fungal Rash

The circles can be red in color or yellow and some may be raised. It's contagious and often is spread in locker rooms, especially athlete's foot. It is a good idea to not share brushes or combs as scalp ringworm can be spread between people this way. This is true for lice as well so instruct your children about this.

Some people with ringworm experience extreme itching as well as cracked skin. This can increase the urge to scratch one's skin. Don't let yourself to fall into this pattern as fungus will continue to grow.

Here are some ringworm home remedies to get relief:

1) Place a piece of cotton or a q-tip into tea tree oil and apply to infected areas. Do a patch test first as some people need tea tree oil to be diluted a bit first.

2) Get a papaya from the supermarket. Cut and place it on the skin for ten to twenty minutes so that the pulp is in direct contact with the infected areas.

3) Use aloe vera gel from a bottle or directly from a plant.

4) Take black walnut tincture and put on a cotton ball. Apply twice a day to the area. This is available from heatlh food stores. Be aware this may stain bedding and clothing.

Some people recommend using diluted bleach but this can be dangerous to put directly on your skin. Always use common sense when applying ringworm home remedies and don't let your judgement get clouded as you search for a fast cure.
