7 benefits of fruits For health – to keep the body's health to keep a maximum of, required not only sports and healthy food, but also a healthy drink. White water was certainly is a healthy drink. But, there are seven other healthy drinks that are good for the body in addition to white water. What's it?
1. Hot chocolate - healthiest drink hot chocolate
The first healthy drinks that are within our list and which is our favorite was hot chocolate. Who doesn't like drinking hot chocolate? In addition to being able to change the mood from bad to good, hot chocolate also helps protect you from heart disease.
Drink hot chocolate made from pure cocoa. If you like it feels slightly sweet, add the maple syrup or almond milk. Avoid sweeten hot chocolate with sugar.
2. Ginger tea - healthiest drink ginger tea
If you have problems with the stomach, Ginger is the best natural healer. Ginger was already renowned for his prowess in removing nausea, facilitate digestion, and other issues. One to two cups of ginger tea should you drink every day. The aroma is delicious and it tastes any tasty and refreshing.
3. Green tea - Green tea healthy beverage
Drinking tea is good for health. In addition to ginger tea, the tea is also good for a nutritious body is green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that can protect body cells from carcinogens. There are many other benefits of green tea. You'll feel fresher after drinking green tea.
4. low-fat Milk - healthy milk drink
Milk is usually taken by many young children, rather than adults. When you were a kid, your parents also menganjurkanmu drink milk every day, isn't it? In fact, milk drinks are compulsory to drink every day, even by adults. Milk is a healthy drink because it contains calcium and protein. The best type of milk to drink low-fat milk is.
5. The juice kale - healthiest drink juice kale
Kale, collards this one later became very famous among those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Because the benefits of both offered by kale, we include it in our list of healthy drinks. Our advice, you are better off making your own juice kale in a home rather than buy them out. Curry juice drink and you'll feel the benefits immediately because kale contain lots of vitamins and minerals.
6. Cranberry Juice - Cranberry juice healthy drink
Cranberry juice is very good for the body because it can help prevent the risk of developing gum disease. Cranberry juice contains a component that can hinder bacteria sticking to the gums. The levels of sugar in cranberry juice is quite high. So, you are encouraged to drink one glass every day, that's enough.
7. Tomato juice - healthiest drink tomato juice
Tomato juice has a lower sugar levels compared with the other juices. In addition, the tomato juice has been shown to prevent various kinds of cancer.