Thursday 12 July 2018

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!

Getting pregnant should be easy but for some women it becomes an endurance test. While they watch their friends giving birth to their babies they are saddened by the fact they have so far been unable to conceive. They will go to the doctor to get checked out and possibly be referred to a fertility clinic for more tests.

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!
How to Get Pregnant Fast - Your Guide to Becoming a Mother!

The problem may be anything from ovarian cysts to endometriosis which is a painful; disease and is responsible for 30 to 50% of infertile women. Once diagnosed the treatment will begin comprising of drugs and often-painful procedures. The problem here is there are no guarantees that this kind of program will work and the down side of it is the cost. Fertility treatments cost a bomb. The tales you hear of women who have been on IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) for up to twelve years are all true as the desire for a baby is so strong.

From a very young age many women dream of becoming a mother with her own children. When that dream is crushed by constant disappointment and failed pregnancy tests they sometimes give up thinking that it was not meant to be for them.

Many women are not aware of the choices they have today in beating infertility. Conventional fertility clinics have tended to overshadow what is right under our noses. Perfectly natural and non-evasive ways to get the babies you want. So before you convince yourself that you will never have children take a moment to read on.

Now you may be thinking if the fertility clinics were unable to help you how on earth will some simplistic methods make a difference? The answer is because the natural approach to fixing what has broken down in your reproductive system is not as hard as you think.

When you were going through conventional fertility treatments were you physically and mentally in shape or?
  1. Overweight
  2. Totally unfit and had not exercised for years or never.
  3. Eating fatty foods typical of what you get from fast food outlets. Drinking fizzy pop drinks like coke.
  4. Smoking
  5. Drinking a lot of alcohol. You do not need to consume much to affect your chances of conceiving not to mention causing damage to you and your baby.
  6. Taking medication, which had side effects and could be detrimental to getting pregnant.
  7. Stressed out.
  8. Feeling depressed and negative.

If you have been able to tick even one of these eight points it could be the reason you are not getting pregnant.

All the drugs and procedures you have had will never be effective if you are leading an unhealthy life. Now I know it all sounds like a lot of hard work and in some cases it is going to be life changing but you know how much you want to have a baby so it has to be worth it. The kind of changes you are going to have to make may be drastic but the end a beautiful baby is the prize.

You have to upload your health and give yourself a have a fighting chance.
  1. If you are carrying a bit of weight it will be good to get it off as when you get pregnant it can cause problems for the housing of the baby. By this I mean your womb, which will be little Danny or Sarahs home for 9 months.
  2. Getting fit by walking, joining a gym or pilates which is excellent for women with infertility problems will not only lose you some weight but it will get your body in great shape and make you feel better than you have in a while. This I guarantee.
  3. Eating a nutritious balanced diet of fruit vegetables whole grains fish and some meats will strengthen the immune system and even eradicate some of the unwell areas of your body. Certain supplements can be added for specific infertility problems, which I have gone into in some detail in my other articles. Make sure you drink water, as you need to stay hydrated.
  4. If you smoke QUIT NOW. You cannot pump poison into a body already struggling with infertility and think what this would do to a baby.
  5. Stop drinking as this may not only damage the babys growth but it will be harder to get pregnant.
  6. Check with your doctor about any drugs you are taking.
  7. Stress in our modern world is pushing the infertility numbers up. To help with this try deep breathing, again pilates, yoga and meditation. Surround yourself with happy people and try not to take the weight of the world on your shoulders. It is just too hard.
  8. If trying to get pregnant has made you feel depressed and down exercise and laughter is what you need along with a new plan. The good news is if you have been following these last eight points you are already on your way.

The reproductive system is the first part of the body to stop working when we do not treat it right so picture the changes that will be going on from the inside out if you have begun your new pregnancy regime.

Acupuncture, which is the putting of thin needles into energy or meridian points in your body is playing a huge and relevant part in helping reverse infertility. The success of this ancient healing system has been getting great press as conventional fertility practitioners look to add it to their western programs. The Chinese may be a little amused by this as they have been using acupuncture to help women have healthy babies for thousands of years. Along with this they use Chinese herbal medicines that target each individual infertility problem in the body. Acupuncture is moving from an alternative treatment to the front lines of modern medicine.

If you think about it this all makes a great deal of sense as we always say when a baby is born "Mrs Jones you have a beautiful healthy baby girl" The reason the baby is born in premium health is generally due to the mothers care of herself and pregnancy. It follows on if you are the vessel to carry a baby full term you need to be in top condition. The same goes for conceiving as if you are well there is no reason you cannot get pregnant and this theory has been put to the test and proven to be correct. The interesting point is that when mothers have gotten themselves into a state of premium health a baby has been conceived very quickly. It is almost as if the little guy or girl is saying mum we will come when you are physically and mentally ready for us.

I hope I have given you a lot to think about and before you give up hope please try these methods. You may be soon smiling.
