Saturday, 4 August 2018

Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods

Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods - Weight loss is the first thing that may draw your attention after giving birth. After all, most new moms expect that they will regain their figure immediately after pregnancy.

Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods

But much to their chagrin, new mothers still have to face the nightmare of looking pregnant. Many get carried away by celebrity endorsed fad diets in order to lose weight after pregnancy. Some choose to workout extensively while at the same time almost starving themselves thin.

Well, these shortcuts do work and you might just achieve that hot bikini body in no time. But almost all health and fitness experts are unanimous in saying that such methods must be avoided at all costs.

The main reason why most experts guide against fad diets and extreme workouts is that such workouts harm the body in the long run. Just like any other type of weight loss, you must prepare a schedule and a plan if you are willing to lose weight after pregnancy.

Though most of the excess weight you gained will shed off naturally, yet the few pounds that remain are the source of most discomfort. Remember that losing weight after pregnancy is a gradual process and may test your resolve at many times.

The food you intake is an important part of your weight loss regime. No amount of workout will suffice if you fill yourself with fatty and unhealthy foods. Since your body is recuperating and you have to handle the demands of motherhood, it is very essential that you choose to eat healthy.

It is advised to eat a well-balanced diet that provides you with at least 1500-2000 calories. Anything less than that and your body may need to call upon your reserves in order to handle the workload. This will leave you tired and depleted throughout the day.

As a new mother it is also important that you stay well hydrated. Water is very essential as it helps you to keep refreshed and avoids dehydration. At the same time juices can also be consumed in order to meet the daily fluid requirements of the body.

But keep in mind that fruit juices are full of sugar and must be consumed in a controlled manner. At the same time limit your caffeine and alcohol consumption to a minimum. Remember that if you really want to lose weight after pregnancy, then water is your best friend.

Apart from all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are necessary part of your daily diet, you may also eat these 4 super foods in order to supercharge your weight loss:

1. Apples
Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods

It has been rightly said that "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Apples are a great source of calcium and Vitamin A. The best thing about apples is that they have 0 percent fat content. So make it a point to add an apple to your breakfast.

2. Green Tea
Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods

Almost all of us might have heard about the benefits of drinking green tea. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants and has been linked to weight loss. Try substituting your tea or coffee intake with a cup of green tea. It has no side effects and will help you burn the fat off.

3. Avocado
Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods

The biggest mistake that most new mothers who want to lose weight after pregnancy make is to eliminate fat completely from their diet. Keep in mind that fat is not your enemy provided that you intake "good fats".

Avocados are very rich in Oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fat. Now, do not ring the alarm bells until you read this. Monounsaturated fats are good for your body. In fact Oleic acid helps your body to curb the hunger pangs.

Apart from keeping you from overeating, avocados are also rich in fiber and protein.

4. Blueberries
Lose Weight After Pregnancy By Eating These 4 Super Foods

Blueberries are called miracle berries for a reason. These are full of vitamins and antioxidants. They have the highest antioxidant levels of all the fruits that are commonly consumed.

Blueberries will help you to keep full and will also provide you with the essential calorie needs. You may also consider eating blueberries for their anti-aging effect. Look young and lose weight at the same time. Now isn't that what everybody wants?

In order to lose weight after pregnancy, device a schedule that fits your time and your body needs. Careful planning now will save you from a lot of hassles later and will also keep you from quitting when you hit a setback.

Be diligent and persistent. If you follow a good diet and exercise routine, you will not only lose the excess weight but also keep it off for good. And to top it off, add these 4 super foods to your diet and watch that fat melt away.
